Apex® Biological Indicators

Biological Indicators for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Decontamination

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Match Your Decontamination Process

The Apex® biological indicator (BI) line greatly reduces false positives by matching your decontamination process.

  • Mesa’s Apex® line of BIs reduce false positives of Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP) decontamination processes because they use a monolayer of spores on the BI.
  • Apex® BIs have consistent well-verified resistance levels.
  • The Apex® line can be used with any general purpose, and when used with Mesa's Releasat® purple media positive results are visually detected more clearly and easily.

Download our technical report on Apex® BIs for H2O2  Vapor.

apex biological indicators mesa labs


What You Need to Know About Apex®


Apex® biological indicators contain Geobacillus stearothermophilus 12980 which is the most resistant strain to VHP processes.

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The Apex® line can be used with any general purpose media, and when used with Mesa's Releasat® purple media positive results are easier and clearer to detect visually through color change.

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Mesa Labs is certified to ISO 13485 Quality Management Systems.

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Laboratory Services and Contract Studies

Mesa offers Laboratory Services and Contract Studies to help you identify the appropriate BI and resistance for your application.

Contact technical support at  303-987-8000 X 10040 or bi-support@mesalabs.com


Product Assistance


Email: bi-support@mesalabs.com

Phone: 303-987-8000 X10042



Email: mesafrance@mesalabs.com

Phone: +33 (0)4 78 90 56 88

Place an Order


Email: bicustomerservice@mesalabs.com

Phone: 303-987-8000 X 10040



Email: mesafrance@mesalabs.com

Phone: +33 (0)4 78 90 56 88