Mesa Labs

Mail-in Spore Testing

Assure efficacy of your equipment sterilization cycles.

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Mail-in spore testing makes it easy to maintain regulatory compliance.

  • When using mail-in spore testing, or MIST, we offer an online dashboard to help insure compliance to your state regulatory body for weekly, monthly or annual audits.
  • The easy to access online portal enable you to quickly retrieve results on one or multiple sterilizers from a single office or larger group.
  • Your data is stored for 3+ years in our secure database.
  • All test kits are processed within an ISO 13485 certified quality management system.


Spore Testing Overview



EZTest Overview


MIST now offers an auto-renewal program to prevent lapse in your spore testing service.


  • Our MIST program now includes an auto renewal service so that you will never run out of test strips for compliance.
  • The online MIST dashboard notifies you of failed test results as well as missed weekly or monthly test cycles.
  • Mesa’s technical support staff can answer any questions along your MIST journey.


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